Key Newborn Photo Moments to Capture
The newborn phase technically only lasts a mere 8 weeks, it is such a joyous and magical time but between a Mum’s recovery, no sleep and many poo explosions, can also feel like a bit of a blur once it’s all over. What better way to remember this time than to capture as much as you can with a camera. So that you don’t forget a thing we have written down the absolute best photos to grab of your new addition from birth and beyond; and remember even the smallest details are worth preserving.

Birth announcement photo
Of course we had to begin here. What Snuggle Hunny is known for is our amazing, bright, bold wraps that often feature in so many birth announcement photos. Often one of the first photos you will take is of your bub; this is the photo you will cherish forever, share through text message to your family and friends and share across your Instagram. Lots of people opt in for a milestone card too to share your little one’s name with the world. Your loved ones will be patiently waiting for this pic! Shop all our Birth Announcement Sets at Snuggle Hunny.
The coming home photo
If anything has become popular over the last few years its new parents picking out the perfect ‘coming home from the hospital’ outfit for their new bub. This is such a special day and marks the first journey you take as a new family. We love seeing these across our socials, Mums, Dads and families in the hospital hallways walking their little ones to the car. Special mention to the amazing doctors, midwives and nurses who are often seen in them too! Find beautiful organic clothing online.
Babies first bath
Often done at the hospital and sometimes at home for the first time, the first time you bathe your little one is something to remember.
Family introductions
An incredibly special moment for parents introducing their new bub to their grandparents, great grandparents, aunties and uncles, cousins, friends and more. That first cuddle is so special. Make sure you have your camera at the ready so you can look back on this amazing experience long after it has passed. These images capture so well the amount of love your child already has from your nearest and dearest.
Cradling baby in your hands
There is something so touching and mesmerizing about capturing the size difference between a newborn and their parents hands. Cradle your little one in your hands or those of your partners, highlighting the vulnerability, trust and love between parent and child. Capture their sleeping faces and tiny hands and feet, they will never be that small again.

The Nursery
You have spent the last 9 months prepping, planning and setting up the perfect nursery for your baby. Don’t forget to take a photo! Whether it’s your little one asleep in the bassinet or you holding him or her in the plush rocking chair, make sure you photograph all the hard work you put into creating a beautiful safe space for bub!
Playing dress ups
No doubt you have bought and/or been given WAY too many adorable outfits. Have some fun and dress them up in their beautiful clothing, send photos to the people who gifted them and have some developed to put up around your house! It’s almost guaranteed that your camera roll will soon be flooded with photos of bub and nothing else.
These are just a few ideas to help you get started and even plan ahead to make sure you don’t miss a thing! These moments are so precious, first smiles to deep slumbers, photos you will have to look at forever and reminisce on the early days as well as share with family and friends. Happy photographing!